Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mom and Rishi

Mom and Rishi
Rishi: Mama , did you write something like "Mom and Sruthi" when Sruthi was young?
Mom:No Rishi
Rishi: Why didn't you write?
Mom:Because I didn't know that I could write like this
Rishi:Thank God you didn't know. Otherwise she would have killed you unlike me.
Mom:But these days you don't talk to me much . So I don't have much to record.
Rishi:Thats because these days I think before I talk and also I don't want to give you any content for your writings.
The big boss show suddenly came into mom's mind when Rishi talked about not giving content. She can't evict her son like in Big boss if he is not going to give her content.
Mom: Why is this sudden change of behaviour?
Rishi:That's the sign of maturing mama
Mom: What maturing?
Rishi: To think before you talk
Mom: Ok the maturity is only in talking not in keeping your room clean or your things organised. When is that part of yours going to mature?
Rishi:You can't mature as a whole person overnight mama. Different skills take different time for maturity.
Mom went into her Zen mode. She felt happy that her son was evolving into a matured person. If only we adults could practice the "think before you speak" mantra from childhood we would be better in dealing with relationships. All said and done the mother in her wanted her baby to be the baby for ever. Poor Rishi doesn't know that when it comes to content for her write up his mom can draw a line if he just puts a dot , .........

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